400 Series Oil Painting

timothy r smith oil paper 609edf65 jpg

artwork by:

Timothy Robert Smith

meet timothy

400 Series Oil Painting

Weight: 215 lb. (24" x 36" x 500 sheets) 350 g/m2
Surface: Linen Textured

A convenient alternative to canvases or boards for oil paints or oil pastels. No gesso is required to prevent oil saturation, simply tear out a sheet and start painting! The linen surface mimics canvas while providing texture to help blend and hold layers of paint in place. Intended for the creation of final art pieces.

Pad Features: Glue Bound pads have flip-over covers.

430-309 9" x 12" Glue Bound (9") 10
430-312 12" x 12" Glue Bound (12") 10
430-318 18" x 24" Glue Bound (18") 10

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